Friday, December 4, 2009

Correlation Matrix.

This is a matrix that shows the correlation of a certain amount of variables. This specific matrix uses colors to show the correlation. The more red the higher the correlation and the more blue the lower the correlation.

Star Plots

A star plot shows data in a two dimensional chart. It has 3 or more variables. This specific plot has 7 variables and 4 designs that it is comparing.

Similarity Matrix

This matrix is used to show how strongly correlated or similar two things are to each other. Closer to red the more similar and the closer to blue the less similar.

Index Value Plot

This index value plot helps show the average streamflow in NC. It shows the years and the degree of dry to wet.

Thematic Maps

This type of map shows specific things in specific regions using colors. It can be used for many different things such as weather, rainfall, political parties, and population. In this case it is the soil moisture regimes of the US.

Stem and Leaf plot

This shows quantitative data in a simpler form, a plot chart. It can be used to show almost anything, in this case it is infant mortality rates in western Africa.

Box Plot

A box plot is used to show numerical data. It uses 5 different observations, minimum, maximum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile. This plot shows the spread of light among 5 separate experiments.